Up&Up 1 Hour Intense Whitening Kit Review

7:43 PM

I'm not gonna lie, I have pretty yellow teeth; its inevitable, I drink coffee everyday. I've never been super self conscious about it, but I've always been slightly interested in whitening them. I never wanted to spend as much as the Crest brand kits are, so when I saw the Target brand one I figured why not.

Disclaimer: I have never whitened my teeth ever in my entire life. I went in to this not knowing what to expect at all, and have nothing to compare this product to.

You can get this for $13 at Target, although I grabbed it for more like $10 on sale (a big part of why I got it to be honest). It comes with 2 sets of trays, 2 single use whitening rinses, and 1 minty fresh whitening rinse.

I followed the instructions and used one of the whitening accelerator rinses, then applied the trays and waited for 25 minutes. Then I did the other whitening rinse and applied the second set of trays. While the trays are on, they don't take up much room and aren't uncomfortable in your mouth. The whitening stuff kinda gets in your throat and feels minty, but not uncomfortable. After another 25 minutes, I took off the trays and used the whitening rinse.

And here are the results. Pictures on the top are before and the ones on the bottom are after. The results aren't drastic by any means, but I do see a slight difference.

Overall I think I give this a 5/10. It did whiten my teeth somewhat, but I wouldn't call it anything near "intense". I probably won't repurchase this, but it did get my teeth a bit whiter.

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