Geo Deo Deodorant Review

1:13 PM

Up next on my natural deodorant list is the Geo Deo deodorant with "detox complex" whatever that means. I saw this guy while I was browsing my local health food store and did a quick google. The amazon reviews were pretty decent for a natural deodorant (3-4 stars) so I just decided to give it a shot.

You already know my background on my armpits and my sweat (weirdest sentence ever lmao), and if you don't here's a link to the post where its all explained. So no background this time, just straight to the review!

Like always I showered at night, applied this deodorant, then applied some more in the morning without reapplying throughout the day.

The scent I bought is "Island" which is a nice, fruity scent. It smells like a typical fruity deodorant. Its a solid gel- you have to wait a minute for it to dry down.

I would say that anywhere from 3-5 hours after morning application is when I could notice some stink. So this one doesn't fare as well as the Arm & Hammer did, as far as the time test. Now I was only able to test this out on two separate days, and on one of those days I was having a normal school/work day, and the other if I remember correctly I was just doing homework at home. Nonetheless I noticed the stink around the same time for both days, just a stronger smell on the work day.

The reason I could only test this product twice is due to the fact that it caused my armpits to peel. Immediately after application all was normal, and I wasn't exactly looking at my armpits throughout the day so I can't say when the reaction happened, only that it did both days. It looked like when a sunburn starts to peel, and didn't hurt or itch or anything. I have never been sensitive to any ingredients used in any body lotions, perfumes, deodorants, etc, so this was pretty confusing. I have yet to compare ingredients to other deodorants I've used in an attempt to pinpoint what ingredient aggravated my skin, but if I can figure it out I will update this post.

So this review is kind of a bust, I can't really say how well it works, but I can say that after the two days I used it, I wouldn't recommend it at all. Even when I was hardly sweating I started to notice my smell. Overall this product gets a 1/10, maybe a 2/10 if it hadn't caused my pits to peel. Even if I didn't have a reaction, I would not continue to use this product.

EDIT: upon using this product a little longer I find that it only sometimes causes my armpits to peel? Its very confusing. But I can still say this product works pretty terribly. Does not keep me from stinking at all, like I said earlier in the review. I find if I pair it with the Arm & Hammer I stay fresh smelling longer than with just the Arm & Hammer by itself, though.

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